Friday saw the usual end of half term assembly and I have to say I was very proud of Squiggle. Our school has a Golden Book, in which teachers write down the names and actions of all the children who have done something good, from simple things like holding doors open for teachers to welcoming new students and going the extra mile. Squiggle was in the book twice, once for welcoming a new student and becoming their buddy when they joined the school after Christmas, and again for joining in with the class led mass at church last Sunday. I say class led mass but really there were only 8 children involved, so the other 7 children went in the Golden Book as well. He also received a certificate for being very enthusiastic during the morning assembly as he joins in and sings the hymns with great passion. ( I don't know where he gets this from as we are not devoted religious people at all, just attend church now and then for Christmas and things like that )
As it's half term, the menu plans for the week have gone out of the window, depending on whether or not we have any days out.
Last week's cupboard clearout went really well and I only ended spending a few pounds on some chicken as a last minute adjustment to the weekend when we had a Chinese Fakeaway.
We still have lots of tins of spaghetti and beans, and still loads of cake mixes, so hopefully we can do a spot of baking one day this week.
If we do stay in then we have the choice of
- beans on toast
- spicy chicken pizza
- pasta bake
- spaghetti and meatballs
- fish fillets
Hope you all have a great week.