Do you want an easy way to save £671.61 this year?
Then why not join me in the 366 Day Penny Challenge. It would normally be the 365 Day Penny Challenge but we are in a leap year this year in case you hadn't noticed.
It's quite simple, starting on day one put 1p in a jar, then day two put 2p in the jar, day three put 3p in the jar and so on until the end of the challenge which would be day 366 and £3.66 would be put in the jar. At the end of a year there would be £671.61 in the jar.
I have already started this and realised one major flaw to the system which is that come Christmastime I will be putting quite a bit in the jar every day, so I am going to do it arse about tit and put whatever I have left in my purse at the end of the day into my jar. I have printed off the chart, and every time I put an amount in the jar it gets ticked off. I think it will make it easier as obviously the days I have more pennies in my purse I can tick off the higher amounts and on the skint days I'll only need to find a few pence.
Fancy joining me?
Then you'll need these 3 simple things
- A jar or moneybox
- Money
- Chart/tracker so you know what amount to put in.
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